Personal data in e-services connected to external systems
To make it easier for people to submit their cases, Kammarkollegiet offers e-services in certain areas.
On this page you can read about how our connections to other authorities’ systems work when we retrieve information that contains personal data.
The Swedish Tax Agency’s “Navet” system
All authorities have the right to retrieve information from the population register via Navet (the Swedish Tax Agency’s system for distributing population registration information to society). Navet’s functions are regulated by the Act (2021:182) and Regulation (2001:589) on the Processing of Personal Data in the Swedish Tax Agency’s Population Registration Operations.
Personal data retrieved via Navet will only be used for the purpose of perform the errand/resolve the case that you yourself create in the e-service.
The e-service retrieves the following personal data when you log in:
- Personal identity number
- Given name
- Surname
- Registered address
In some e-services (including “Report UVA case”), it is also possible to retrieve information about children of whom you are a guardian.