Apply to register an idea-based organisation

Below you can read more about how to apply, what information you must submit and how to pay the application fee.

Apply with Swedish electronic ID

If you have a valid Swedish electronic ID, you can log in and sign the application in our e-service.

If you do not have an electronic ID, you can apply with a form. You can find the form on this page under the heading Apply with a form.

Pay the application fee

The application fee is 12 000 SEK and has to be paid to Kammarkollegiet’s bankgiro when applying. Payment instructions will be provided in the confirmation email that you will receive when applying through our e-service. If you rather use our application form when applying, separate payment instructions can be found in the form. Kammarkollegiet can only begin processing the application once the application fee has been received.

Organisation details to be submitted

  • Name
  • Corporate identity number (if one exists)
  • Legal form of entity
  • Contact details for the organisation and a contact person. The contact person must be authorised to represent the organisation regarding the register and must have a Swedish personal identity number or coordination number.
  • Website (optional)
  • Name, personal identity number and e-mail address of authorised representatives for the organisation. The representative must be authorised to sign the application on behalf of the organisation, as well as receive and confirm service of the decision.

Documents to be sent in

Current articles of association, statutes or equivalent documents that:

  • show that the organisation is idea based. It must be stated here that the organisation has a public service purpose.
  • show a provision that the remaining assets upon the organisation’s dissolution shall be distributed in a manner that does not violate the limit on transfers of value. This does not apply to Swedish foundations (stiftelser).

Documentation that shows that the organisation conducts (or intends to conduct) publicly funded welfare activities. Here, you can, for example, upload a copy of the submitted application for a grant from a municipality, a document that shows that you receive project funding from an authority or that you receive funding through an acquired procurement.

Documentation that shows that the organisation is not under the legal controlling influence of a state, a region or a municipality. Here, you need to submit documents that show who owns and controls the organisation.

Documentation that shows that the person or persons who will sign the application are authorised to represent the organisation:

  • Organisations that are registered with Bolagsverket or Länsstyrelsen must upload their registration certificate where authorised representatives are stated. The registration certificate may not be older than one month.
  • Organisations that are not in the register of Bolagsverket or Länsstyrelsen must instead attach a copy of the approved minutes, or equivalent documents, that show the current structure of the board of directors and who is authorised to represent the organisation.

Remember to name the documents according to what information they contain.

What is meant by the fact that the organisation must not be under legal controlling influence?

The state, regions and municipalities may not have a legal controlling influence over a registered idea-based organisation. The organisation may receive most of its funding from the public sector or have been founded by a public actor. However, the organisation may not be controlled by the public sector, directly or indirectly, by being owned or governed by the state, region or municipality.

Legal controlling influence means that your organisation is owned or governed by the public sector (state, regions or municipalities) resulting in control of your organisation. Such control can, for example, occur through voting rights, shareholdings or contracts.

One example of how you can show that your organisation is not under legal controlling influence by the public sector is to provide a copy from Bolagsverket’s beneficial ownership register.

Page last updated: 2023-10-13