Terms and Conditions Fee-paying Students - with property cover (FASplus) 2021

This insurance applies to all students who have been accepted for and are undertaking further education at the university or university college and who pay tuition fees for this. The insurance also covers students who have been granted a scholarship and who pay a tuition fee.

Document information

Type of document: Terms and Conditions

Valid from: 01/07/2021

Sender: Insurance Department

Pages in print: 16

5 Definitions

5.1 Emergency medical care

Care for rapidly arising medical complaints, arising suddenly during the insurance period in Sweden, and for which the insured must seek healthcare within a few days. Emergency medical care has the same definition as the term immediate health care in section 4 of the Health and Medical Services Act (1982:763). Examples of emergency medical care include care that is needed for an illness that occurs during a stay in Sweden or where care is needed as quickly as possible, such as in case of a stomachache or fever.

5.2 Emergency dental care

Dental care entailing that the insured becomes free of pain and infection, that any visible gaps are temporarily filled and that there is one (1) functioning chewing surface. Here acute dental health care has the same meaning as the term immediate dental health care in section 6 of the Dental Health Care Act (1985:125). The term visible gap means the complete or partial loss of any of the ten front teeth in the lower or upper jaw.

5.3 Base amount

Base amount refers to the base price amount according to chapter 2 section 7 of the Social Insurance Code.

5.4 The insured

The insured refers to the person who is covered by the insurance cover.

5.5 Residence

The insured’s residence is defined as the place where the insured lives permanently.

5.6 The authority

The authority refers to the authority that took out the insurance.

5.7 Accident

Accident refers to a bodily injury caused by an involuntary and sudden event involving external violence to the body. Repetitive strain or overload injuries are not counted as accidents. The same applies to heart attack, cerebral haemorrhage etc., as well as illness caused by bacteria, virus or other infection that did not arise in connection with a sudden and involuntary event involving external violence to the body. However, twisting injuries to the knee are defined as an accident.

5.8 Personal property

Personal chattels refers to property for private use that the insured takes with him or her or buys on the journey for private use. The property must belong to the insured, i.e., not be rented or borrowed.

5.9 Cohabitant partner

Cohabitant partner refers to the same term used in the Cohabitees Act (2003:376).

5.10 Start of studies

The term start of studies refers to the start of term, start of course or date on which the course of study at the educational institution in Sweden begins. Introductory courses, language courses and similar preparatory activities for study that are organised at the Swedish educational institution are included in the study period.

5.11 End of studies

The term end of studies refers to the end of term or of the course, when the teaching or internship period finishes. Examination or trial periods that are directly connected with the study or internship period are included in the study period. In the event of a resit, the insurance applies in Sweden until the first date of resit.

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