Terms and Conditions Swedish state business travel insurance 2017

The following terms and conditions apply unless separate terms and conditions have been agreed between the State authority and Kammarkollegiet. Such terms and conditions are then stated as deviations in the annual confirmation of insurance cover issued by Kammarkollegiet to the authority.

Note that these Terms and Conditions are valid until 31/12/2019.

Document information

Typ av dokument: Terms and Conditions

Valid: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019

Sender: Insurance Department

Pages in print: 22


4 General terms and conditions

4.1 Other insurance

With the exception of Disability and Death Benefits, the insurance only covers damages or costs if they are not covered by another insurance policy, ordinance or act.

If compensation for personal injury left from the URA or UVA insurance, no disability or death benefits will be paid from the Swedish State Business Travel Insurance.

4.2 Limitations period

The right to compensation expires three years after the date on which the damage/injury was incurred, if the claim has not been received by Kammarkollegiet before then. In the matter of liability cover, the date of the damage/injury is considered to be the date on which a claim is made against the insured. In other cases, the date of the damage/injury is the date of the incident which is the basis of the insurance claim.

4.3 Reclamation

Where Kammarkollegiet has disbursed compensation in an insurance claim, it assumes the insured persons right in respect of another party that is liable for the damage.

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