Terms and Conditions personnel stationed abroad (URA) 2018

These Terms and Conditions of insurances entered into force 1 September 2018.

Note that these Terms and Conditions are valid until 31/12/2021.

Document information

Type of document: Terms and Conditions

Valid: 01/09/2018 - 31/12/2021

Sender: Insurance Department

Pages in print: 18

4 General terms and conditions

4.1 Other insurance

Except for the disability and death benefits, this insurance compensates for damage or expense only insofar as it cannot be compensated through personal injury agreements (PSA or TFA), the Social Insurance Code or another insurance, ordinance or law.

As stated by item 1.2, this insurance applies to the employee during the entire period of service for a group insurance and during the agreed term of insurance for an individual insurance. This means that it also applies during business travel. Damage or expense during business travel is therefore compensated from the state’s business travel insurance only when the reimbursement rules there are more beneficial to the insured. In such a case, no reimbursement is paid from this insurance.

4.2 Limitation

The right to reimbursement ends three years after the damage date if the report was not received by Kammarkollegiet prior thereto. Regarding liability coverage, the damage date is considered to be the date a claim was presented against the insured. Otherwise, the damage date is the date of the event that forms the basis of the insurance case.

4.3 Subrogation

Insofar as Kammarkollegiet has reimbursed the costs in an insurance case, it assumes the insured’s right against another that is responsible for the damage.

4.4 Interpretation of terms

If there is a difference between this English version of terms and conditions and the Swedish version, the Swedish one applies.

4.5 Register of insurance claims, GSR

The company has the right to use an industry wide register of insurance claims – the ”GSR” - to register loss claims under this policy.

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