Swedish state business travel insurance
Are you employed by or work on behalf of a state authority and are going to travel in the service? Then you are covered by the Swedish state business travel insurance.
The Swedish state business travel insurance applies to all trips on official business in Sweden and abroad that you make on behalf of a state authority. The insurance is ordered by the state authority and there is no cost to you.
Terms and Conditions of Insurance
The Terms and Conditions of Insurance state exactly what applies and what you can apply for compensation for.
These Terms and Conditions of Insurance are applicable as of 01/01/2020:
Submit a claim
- Download and fill out the form.
Swedish state business travel insurance Claim formPdf, 248.7 kB.
The state authority will also need to fill out and sign the form. - Send the Form in to us by e-mail:
forsakring@kammarkollegiet.se or via post:
SE-651 80 Karlstad
For whom does the Swedish state business travel insurance apply to?
The Swedish state business travel insurance applies to you who are:
- employed by a state authority and on a trip on official business behalf of the authority.
- a consultant and perform an assignment on behalf of a state authority, provided that you are not employed by a consulting firm.
- a Doctoral student (research students) and are on a trip on official business on behalf of a state authority.
- a member of a state authority’s Board or Board of Directors and travels to and from meetings and meetings of the Board or Board of Directors, provided that you do not usually work in the building where the meeting is held.
- a local employee and is on a trip on official business on behalf of a state authority.
- a contractor who are on a trip on behalf of the state authority.
The Swedish state business travel insurance does not apply to those who are a:
- Student
- Conscript
- Employed by a consulting firm
- Home Guard military reserve
- Volunteers in the Swedish Armed Forces
Students can obtain insurance during their education abroad and covered by Student OUT insurance.
Emergency assistance during the trip on official business
Contact Falck Global Assistance if you find yourself in an emergency situation while abroad and need assistance quickly.
Telephone: +46 8 587 717 49
Fax: +46 8 587 717 62
E-mail: fga@se.falck.com
How do I change the designated beneficiary
in the insurance?
For those who are covered by the Swedish State Business Travel Insurance, Travel Insurance, URA insurance or UVA insurance,
there is a possibility to amend the distribution of the lump sum payment upon death to beneficiaries in the respective insurance via a beneficiary designation.
Learn more about the terms and conditions, and preconditions,
of your insurance policy.
Download and fill out the beneficiary decree form and send it in to us by e-mail: forsakring@kammarkollegiet.se
For those who are ordering insurance for the state authority’s employees going on business travel
If you are an authorised administrator at a state authority, you can order the Swedish State Business Travel Insurance.
The insurance is mandatory for all state authorities and must be ordered when a new state authority is formed.
You can order the insurance as a group insurance, which means that all employees at the state authority are insured.