Terms and Conditions Swedish state business travel insurance 2017

The following terms and conditions apply unless separate terms and conditions have been agreed between the State authority and Kammarkollegiet. Such terms and conditions are then stated as deviations in the annual confirmation of insurance cover issued by Kammarkollegiet to the authority.

Note that these Terms and Conditions are valid until 31/12/2019.

Document information

Typ av dokument: Terms and Conditions

Valid: 01/01/2017 - 31/12/2019

Sender: Insurance Department

Pages in print: 22


6 These terms and conditions of insurance are based on the Ordinance (1993:674) concerning insurance cover etc. in conjunction with travel on government business.

An authority under the Government is responsible for ensuring the authority's employees and contractors have insurance coverage for domestic and international travel on government business and assignments in connection with this. The provisions of this ordinance do not apply for

1. persons not employed by the state who receive state education,

2. persons covered by state personal injury insurance in accordance with Chapter 7, Section 2 of the Social Insurance Code or the provisions of Chapter 7, Section 3 of the same code,

3. employees of consultancies who are paid to carry out clearly defined assignments. Ordinance (2010:1682).

These terms and conditions apply in accordance with the Ordinance. The terms and conditions are the general terms and conditions that apply unless separate terms and conditions are agreed between the State authority and Kammarkollegiet. Such separate terms and conditions are set forth in the confirmation of insurance cover issued by Kammarkollegiet.

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