Insurance for doctoral students with stipends
Are you a doctoral student at a Swedish university and are financing your doctoral studies with scholarships? Then you can apply for compensation from us when you are on parental leave or sick.
Terms and Conditions of Insurance
The Terms and Conditions of Insurance state exactly what applies and what you can apply for compensation for.
Apply for compensation when you are on parental leave or sick for a long period of time
- Download and fill in the application form for illness or parental leave.
Application form - health and parental insurance for doctoral students with stipendsPdf, 252.4 kB.
- Print the form on a white paper and sign it. Your university must also sign the form.
- Send in the form by e-mail: or via post:
SE-651 80 Karlstad
Report temporary illness or compensation for care of a sick child (VAB)
If you are temporarily ill or are at home for the care of a sick child, you report it by sending an e-mail to us on the first day you are sick/home for the care of the child or no later than the day after.
Send your claim for compensation to:
In the e-mail message, include the following information:
- Name
- Swedish Personal ID number
- The University
- Reason for absence
- First date of absence
Indicate the dates. Towards the end of the scholarship period, you can add together your sick days/care of a sick child days and apply for compensation for them. It is also possible to divide and apply for compensation several times during the scholarship period.
How does the compensation work?
Scholarships do not count as income providing one with sickness benefits from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Therefore, if you finance your doctoral studies with a scholarship, you cannot apply for parental benefits or sickness benefits from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Instead, you can apply for compensation from us. There is however a possibility for some docoral students to apply for the basic level from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.
The level of compensation is calculated based on the size of your scholarship according to the same principle that the Swedish Social Insurance Agency would have calculated your compensation if you had a salary. In this way, your scholarship lasts the entire doctoral period even if it drags on due to illness or parental leave.
What applies with an illness?
- You are entitled to sickness benefits if your ability to work is reduced by at least a quarter.
- You can receive the sickness benefits for 25, 50, 75, or 100 percent of a day.
- If you are on sick leave for more than seven days in a row, a medical certificate is required.
- If you are on sick leave for a longer period, you apply for compensation for the entire period with the notification form for illness or parental leave.
What about parental leave?
- Parental benefits are paid for 480 days for one child. Of these,
the compensation is based on your scholarship 390 of the days. The other 90 days, the compensation is SEK 180 per day. - You can apply for parental benefits for 25, 50, 75, or 100 percent of a day.
- When you know that you are going to be on parental leave for a longer period, you apply for compensation using the notification form for illness or parental leave.
What about temporary parental leave/care of a sick child (VAB)?
- You can apply for compensation for temporary parental leave when you are at home for care of a sick child (VAB) or in connection with the birth or adoption of a child. You can also take temporary parental leave when a child has passed away.
- You can apply for temporary parental leave allowance for
25, 50, 75 or 100 percent of a day. - If you are at home with a sick child, a medical certificate is required after seven days.
- Temporary parental leave can be taken for a maximum of
120 days per child per year.
For those who are ordering insurance for Scholarship-funded doctoral students
If you are an authorised administrator at a university or other state authority, you can order the Health Insurance and Parental Insurance for doctoral students with scholarships. You can order the insurance as a group insurance and it will cover all scholarship-funded doctoral students with you. The insurance cannot be ordered for employed doctoral students or postdocs.