Order group insurance for a group or category of people

Here you as an authorised administrator at a state authority can order a group insurance for a group or a special category of people.

To order a group insurance policy

Send your order by e-mail to: forsakringsbestallning@kammarkollegiet.se or use the contact form on this page.

Heres what you need to include in your order:

  • Write down the type of insurance
  • Type the group or type of category of individuals you are
    seeking to insure
  • Write the number of individuals and on how many occasions or days per year each person participates or needs insurance
  • Write when and how the insurance cover should apply
  • Write down the period for which the insurance is to be in effect. The insurance can take effect at the earliest the day after you submit your order.
  • Write your name and your contact details
  • Write the invoice address and invoice reference

What happens after I place my order?

  • Once we have received your order, you will receive a confirmation notice from us.
  • Once the insurance is in force, a confirmation of insurance coverage and an invoice will be sent out.
  • At the earliest the insurance can take effect the day after the order has been received by us.

More information

Page last updated: 2022-09-26