Terms and Conditions Erasmus Mundus 2010

The purpose of this insurance is to fulfil the minimum required level of the obligatory insurance coverage for eligible candidates who have received a Community grant to study in an Erasmus Mundus Action 1 and Action 2 project.

Document information

Typ av dokument: Terms and Conditions

Valid from: 2010-01-01

Sender: Insurance Department

Number of pages in print: 9


12 Limitations period

The right to compensation will cease three years after the date of the loss if a notification of loss has not been received by Kammarkollegiet prior to such date. The general limitation rules shall otherwise apply. In the matter of liability cover, the date of damage/loss is considered to be the day on which a claim in writing is made vis-à-vis the scholarship holder. In other cases, the date of damage/loss is the day on which the event occurred, on which the insurance event is based.

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