Requirements specification - physical protection

In order to obtain a National Indemnity, an authorized requirement specification applies. The requirements apply to exhibition premises, transportation and storage. Approvals are valid for a maximum of three years. A new inspection must always be carried out after a major rebuild, new construction, a conversion or an extension.

Document information

Type of publication: Requirements specification

Valid from: 2018

Sender: The Insurance Department at Kammarkollegiet

Number of pages if printing: 16

2 Inspection and formal report

The Administrative Services Agency’s (Kammarkollegiet’s) inspector performs an inspection at the request of the Swedish National Heritage Board in accordance with the statement relating to the National Indemnity.

A so-called basic inspection is carried out by all museums/exhibitions that apply for a National Indemnity. The inspection follows Kammarkollegiet’s Inspection Report for the National Indemnity. The report contains some information corresponding to the “Facility Report”, which is used when objects are on loan between museums. And a check is made of the physical protection.

A statement on the survey results is submitted to the Swedish National Heritage Board. The statement may approve of or recommend the rejection of the National Indemnity. Approval of the National Indemnity could lead to conditions being made on the physical protection of an object/objects and certain administrative procedures must also be followed.

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