Pay interest and amortise on the government loan to those selling package trips

Are you an organizer or reseller of package trips and have received a government loan to repay debts to travellers? Here you will find information about interest, amortization and repayment of the loan. You will also find terms and conditions for each loan.

Pay interest on the loan

The interest rate on the loan is fixed for the entire loan period. At the end of each year, we will announce the accrued interest and current capital debt for the period.

You pay into the bank giro of Kammarkollegiet: 5052-5781.

You as a borrower can, according to the loan terms, choose not to pay the interest. The accrued interest will then be added to your loan debt (capitalized). You then instead pay the accrued interest on the due date for the loan.

Amortise the loan

As a borrower, you must amortise the loan when you receive a repayment of your possible receivables from subcontractors for current package trips. You are responsible for amortise and you must repay the full amount at the end of the term or earlier when you wish.

Sale of the travel company during the term of the loan

If the travel company changes owners during the loan period, it is required according to the terms and conditions that Kammarkollegiet gives its prior consent to the change of ownership. Contact us if you intend to sell the travel company or otherwise change the ownership structure.

Contact us about the government loan

Do you have questions about the government loan?
Contact us via e-mail:

About the government loan for refunds to travellers

During the period from 10 February to 1 March 2021, those selling package trips had the opportunity to apply for a government loan in order to pay refunds to their travellers.

Terms and conditions for the government loan for refunds to travellers

Regulation on government loans for those selling package trips (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.

About the government loan for payment of refunds to travellers for cancelled trips that had been rebooked

During the period 2 August to 31 August 2021, you as an organiser or reseller of package holidays have the opportunity to apply for a government loan. The loan is intended to pay refunds to your package travellers for cancelled rebooked trips.

Terms and conditions for the government loan for payment of refunds to travellers for cancelled trips that had been rebooked

Regulation on government loans for payment of refunds to travellers for cancelled trips that had been rebooked (in Swedish) External link, opens in new window.

Page last updated: 2024-08-05