Frequently asked questions about the register of idea-based organisations
On this page you will find information regarding the purpose of the register, which organisations can be registered and the requirements for registration.
Frequently asked questions
What is the purpose of the register?
The purpose of the register is to:
- Make idea-based organisations visible and distinguish them from public authorities and private actors,
- Show that the organisations are idea based and meet set criteria,
- Be able to identify the organisations by names, corporate identity numbers and contact information.
It is voluntary for idea-based organisations to be included in the register.
The register is not an industry or supplier register
It is not an industry or supplier register, nor is it a place to search and find services and products. In many cases, idea-based organisations are listed in other registers.
Which organisations can be registered?
The following legal requirements must be met for an organisation to be eligible for registration:
- The organisation must be idea based. An idea-based organisation is a legal entity that solely has a public service purpose. This must be formulated in the statutes, articles of association, an official record or an equivalent document.
- The organisation can be, for example, a limited company, an economic association, a foundation or a non-profit association. This provision also covers foreign legal entities. It may not be a sole proprietorship.
- The organisation must be a publicly funded welfare activity, or have the intention of becoming one.
- The organisation may not be under the legal controlling influence of a state, region or municipality.
- Many organisations are made up of different local associations – each of these organisations that want to be included in the register must submit their own application.
- There must also be a provision in the articles of association, statutes or an equivalent document that, in the event of a dissolution, the remaining assets will be handled in a manner that does not violate the legal limit on value transfers. This does not apply to Swedish foundations (stiftelser).
What is meant by a public service purpose?
A public service purpose is, for example, to contribute to society’s development or to solutions to a societal problem. The organisation has one or more stated purposes that in widely held opinion are worth supporting and that form the foundation and driving force of the activities conducted. The public service purpose shall cover the activities as a whole but are not required to be directed at the general public.
Examples of a public service purpose may be:
- to help a certain group, such as women subjected to violence or young people with special needs
- to strive for an activity that works to meet the goals and principles that form the basis of a specific welfare activity, such as providing care for the elderly.
What does it mean to run a publicly funded welfare activity?
Publicly funded welfare activities include activities that are funded within the framework of, for example:
- a public procurement
- a system-of-choice
- contributions from the public sector.
Examples of welfare activities in this context:
- health care
- health-promoting activities
- social care services
- education regulated by the Education Act (2010:800)
- education and formative education provided by folk high schools and study associations
- activities in the labour market area
- activities that aim to increase people’s integration and inclusion in society and to combat segregation and isolation.
In order for there to be an intention to conduct publicly funded welfare activities, there should be some form of concrete indication that the activities will begin in the foreseeable future.
Examples of such indication are that the organisation has:
- applied for a certain specified grant from an authority
- applied to participate in a freedom-of-choice system
- submitted a tender in a procurement
- initiated an application procedure to start a licensed business.
What is meant by the fact that the organisation must not be under legal controlling influence?
The state, regions and municipalities may not have a legal controlling influence over a registered idea-based organisation. The organisation may receive most of its funding from the public sector or have been founded by a public actor. However, the organisation may not be controlled by the public sector, directly or indirectly, by being owned or governed by the state, region or municipality.
Legal controlling influence means that your organisation is owned or governed by the public sector (state, regions or municipalities) resulting in control of your organisation. Such control can, for example, occur through voting rights, shareholdings or contracts.
What fees does the organisation need to pay?
According to regulations, Kammarkollegiet’s task as well as the register is financed by the organisations comprised in it. Kammarkollegiet has decided that the application fee is 12 000 SEK and the annual supervisory fee is 1 600 SEK.
Application fee
In connection with you applying to register your idea-based organisation, you will pay the application fee. The fee is to be paid to Kammarkollegiet’s bankgiro. Information on how to pay will be provided in the confirmation you receive when you complete the online application or in the application form.
Note - Kammarkollegiet cannot begin processing your application until the application fee has been paid.
Supervisory fee
Registered idea-based organisations as well as organisations that have been deregistered five years prior will annually receive an invoice for the supervisory fee. The annual fee is 1 600 SEK.
What does a transfer of value mean?
In order to be included in the register, funds may only be transferred – in a so-called transfer of value – from:
- one idea-based organisation to another idea-based organisation. When an organisation is to move funds to another organisation, both organisations must be included in Kammarkollegiet’s register.
- an idea-based organisation to research.
Definition: A transfer of value is a business transaction that decreases the wealth of an idea-based organisation, and that does not have a purely commercial purpose.
Which requirements apply after registration?
- Every year, the organisation must submit an annual report on value transfers to Kammarkollegiet. A registered idea-based organisation may only make transfers of value to other registered idea-based organisations or to research.
- If an idea-based organisation is deregistered, after a decision from Kammarkollegiet or if the organisation no longer wants to participate, the organisation must submit its annual report for the following five years.
- The organisation pays a register maintenance and supervisory fee every year. This also applies to deregistered organisations for five years after deregistration.
- The organisation must immediately report changes to Kammarkollegiet, such as changes to the statutes, contact person or contact information.
What happens if a registered idea-based organisation does not meet these requirements?
An organisation that does not comply with the legal limits on value transfers or did not notify Kammarkollegiet of changes may be forced to pay a penalty or fine. If Kammarkollegiet suspects that a crime has been committed, a police report will be filed.
New task
Kammarkollegiet has been given the new task of keeping a register of idea-based organisations.