Update information

If your organisation has made changes relating to the register, you are obligated to report these to Kammarkollegiet. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, statutes, postal address or contact person.

Changes that you must report

You must report changes regarding:

  • Contact details for the organisation
  • Contact person.
  • Statutes, articles of association, an official record or an equivalent document
  • The state, regions or municipalities gain legal controlling influence over your organisation
  • The organisation does no longer conduct (or intends to conduct) publicly funded welfare activities.

Information is changed at no additional cost.

Who can report changes?

Please note that changes submitted must be signed by authorised representatives. You must provide documents that certify this authorisation:

  • Organisations that are registered with Bolagsverket or Länsstyrelsen must upload their registration certificate where authorised representatives are stated. The registration certificate may not be older than one month.
  • Organisations that are not in the register of Bolagsverket or Länsstyrelsen must instead attach a copy of the approved minutes, or equivalent documents, that show the current structure of the board of directors and who is authorised to represent the organisation.

Report changes

Use our e-service below to submit current changes. You will need a valid, Swedish electronic ID.

If you do not have an electronic ID, you can use our PDF-form below.

Update information in the register of idea-based organisations (in English) Pdf, 270.8 kB, opens in new window.

Page last updated: 2023-12-12