Apply for Authorisation as a Translator based on professional qualifications from outside Sweden

Are you an authorised translator in another EEA state or Switzerland? If so, then you can also apply for authorisation in Sweden. The authorisation will be for the combination of Swedish and one other language.

Apply based on professional qualifications from outside Sweden

Find out what attachments you need to include with your application and how to pay the application fee.

Attachments and fee when applying for authorisation as a translator (in Swedish)

Next, send an e-mail to

State the following in your e-mail:

  • Language direction (one only)
  • From Swedish to: (state language)
    To Swedish from: (state language)
  • Name
  • Address, postcode and town/city
  • County
  • Country
  • Telephone
  • E-mail

What happens once you have submitted your application

Once we have received your application, we will assess whether your professional qualifications are equivalent to our proficiency requirements for authorisation. We do this by comparing your documented proficiency with the content of the authorisation test for translators.

If your education or professional qualifications differ from our proficiency requirements for authorisation, we can decide on a compensatory measure. You can then choose between an aptitude test or an adaptation period.

An aptitude test means that we test you in those areas in which you are deficient in order to satisfy the proficiency requirements for authorisation. For example, this might involve you being required to show that you have proficiency within the following areas of expertise: linguistic skills, translating skills, subject expertise within social orientation and law, intercultural expertise, searching for information and technical ability.

An adaptation period means that you work for a period of up to three years under the responsibility of an authorised professional. This involves the supervisor reporting on the work done to us at the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

Once the aptitude test or adaptation period has been completed, we at the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency will make a decision on authorisation.

Rules for the recognition of professional qualifications are stated in the regulations for translators (in Swedish)

About translating as a regulated profession

Find out whether the profession is regulated abroad in the EU Commission’s database of regulated professions External link, opens in new window.

More information about regulated professions on the EU Commission’s website External link, opens in new window.

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Page last updated: 2024-02-22