Terms and Conditions Erasmus Mundus 2010

The purpose of this insurance is to fulfil the minimum required level of the obligatory insurance coverage for eligible candidates who have received a Community grant to study in an Erasmus Mundus Action 1 and Action 2 project.

Document information

Typ av dokument: Terms and Conditions

Valid from: 2010-01-01

Sender: Insurance Department

Number of pages in print: 9


3 Medical and Dental care

The insurance cover out-patient and hospital expenses as a result of sickness, pregnancy, childbirth or accidents arising during the period of cover. It has provision for direct payment of all hospitalization costs. 100%cover is provided in respect of:

  • doctors’ fees

  • medicines, examinations and analyses prescribed by a physician

  • urgent dental care following an accident

  • all hospital expenses and surgical fees (including advances on hos-pital expenses)

  • repatriation in the event of serious illness or accident

The Cover is total in respect of these services. Pregnancies at stage less than 6 months, at the moment of departure from the home country to participate in the action, is not excluded from cover. Pregnancies at stage 6 months is excluded from cover.


There is no exclusion for non-permanent and non-chronic mental disorders.

For urgent dental care without accident the amount covered is up to a maximum of 250 EUR per year. Urgent dental care includes treatment that makes the tooth without pain and infection to fill in gaps between visible teeth and to make chewing possible.


In the case of serious illness, admission to hospital or need for other active assistance in event of injury, contact shall be made with

Falck Global Assistance

Phone: +46 8 587 717 49, Fax: +46 8 505 939 13, E-mail: fga@se.falck.com

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