Terms and Conditions Erasmus Mundus 2010

The purpose of this insurance is to fulfil the minimum required level of the obligatory insurance coverage for eligible candidates who have received a Community grant to study in an Erasmus Mundus Action 1 and Action 2 project.

Document information

Typ av dokument: Terms and Conditions

Valid from: 2010-01-01

Sender: Insurance Department

Number of pages in print: 9


4 Cover in the event of Death

Cover is provided around the clock and does include death during the period of cover following accident, whether or not it is attributable to the trans-national Erasmus Mundus activity.

Cover in the event of death is included, in all cases, even suicide:

  • Transport of the mortal remains to the place chosen by the deceased’s family

  • Funeral and laying-out costs

  • The cost of the coffin


In the event of requirement for transport or other active assistance in the event of death contact shall be made with Falck Global Assistance.

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